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Film presentations

These are several- or 'a dozen or so'- minute film presenting:

- city, region

- specific assortment/range of production

- services

- definite activity

- organisation

- other subjects

Film presentation plays an INFORMATIVE-ADVERTISING ROLE.

It becomes especially useful when shown object cannot be moved or is difficult to move e.g attractive region, city, camping, big industrial machines, furniture, hotels, restaurants etc. Film presentation carries first and foremost WIDE INFORMATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT for potentional clients.

FIlms can be produced in VARIOUS LANGUAGE VERSIONS, thefore they are able to reach and attract almost every person in world. The offer is interesting for exporters co-operating with East as well as with West.

This type of advertisement can draw attention of public institutions as well as private enterpreneurs - bigger or smaller.

Examples of productions:

film presenting Festiwal Piosenki Żeglarskiej "Burczybas" 2006 [Sailor's Song Festival] with numerus accompanying events in Wdzydze Kiszewskie

presentation of Liceum Umiejętno�ci Twórczych przy Wyższej Szkole Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej (WSHE) w Łodzi [Creative Abilities Secondary School near Academy of Humanities and Economics (WSHE) in Łód�]

presentation of assortment of welding machinery produced by ELKON in Zgierz

presentation of "Nied�wiadek" Hotel in Wdzydze Kiszewskie

Film Calendar of Events 2005 in Zakopane
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Related products: Реклама и полиграфия ->Реклама -> Рекламное творчество



Улица:Studzińskiego 73/9
Почтовый индекс:91-498
Телефон: +48 601174475
Факс: +48 42 6581675

Контактное лицо

Имя и Фамилия: Małgorzata Kaczmarek
Телефон: +48 42 6581675
Сотовый: +48 601174475
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