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Guangxi Beihai Penshibao Co.,Ltd.

[Китай]Herbicide “MIECAOBAO” (Weed Killer)

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Registered License No: LS 96458 Production Approval No: HNP45044- E0094, Manfd Standard: Q/PSB04-2000

Product Name: 19% Acetochlor Metsulfuron-methy WP
Product Form: powder in pink, non-explosive and non-flammable, low toxity with no harm to human, animals and environment under normal application.
Common Name: a) Acetochlor, b) Metsulfuron-methyl
Chemical Formula: a) C14H20CINO2, b) C14H15N5O6S

Targeted Crop: for Low-land Rice (paddy) only to kill such weeds as common annual grass, broadleaf and cyperus weeds and such weeds as Echinochloa crusgalli, Leptochloa chinensis, Cyperus difformis, Eleocharis yokoscensis, Juncellus serotinus, Rotala indica, Scirpus juncoides, Lindernia crustacea, Monochoria vaginalis, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Marsilea quadrifolia, Potamogeton distinctus, Sagittaria pygmaea and Alisma orientale
Time for application: after rice seedlings are transplanted and becomes green.and when paddies are above 5 leaves. It is recommended to applied to the paddy fields within 5—10 days after transplanting for early rice, and within 4—7 days after transplanting for late rice
Dosage: 20 grams per mu (667M2)
Application method: Level the surface of the field, block the leakage of field ridge and irrigate the field at the depth of 1—2 cm. The water level will not surpass the leaf axil of the seedlings. 20 grams in the package can be used to cover 1/15 hectare(666.7M2) of paddy, after being mixed with 5—10 kg of urea, or fine silt. However, the paddy must be previously leveled and caulked. And it must be possible to keep a field water depth of 1—2 cm for 4—7 days during and after the application of the mixture. A more effective result of weeds control can be obtained if the water retention period is extended.
Caution: Miecaobao is not suitable to be applied to seedling field, direct seeding field and for commercial seedlings, young seedlings and weak seedlings. It may be applied after 10—15 days the rice seedlings are transplanted in rice producing area in cold and temperate zone. Experiment is needed. The Miecaobao should be kept from moisture and will not be mixed with food.
Guaranteed Period: Two years in dried conditions.
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Guangxi Beihai Penshibao Co.,Ltd.

Улица:No.70,East Beibuwan Road
Город:Beihai, Guangxi
Почтовый индекс:536007
Телефон: +86 779 2061772
Факс: +86 779 2050999

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Имя и Фамилия: Fazhong Liang
Телефон: +86 779 2061772
Сотовый: +86 13977989449
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