Категория: Компьютеры и компьютерные программы
Страна: Польша
 This is a system of voice registration in a packet transmission network. It enables registration of telephone calls using TCP/IP protocols for transmission. The system also makes it possible to follow calls in real time.
UNICALL VoiceRegister has been created by means of the Delphi programming environment and the ANSI C language, thanks to which it is fast and reliable. It makes it possible to register several dozen channels at the same time using a medium class PC. Registered calls are stored[...]   Детали...  WebChat software is an IT system for the interactive exchange of text information - it enables many Internet users to carry out a discussion simultaneously.
WebChat functional criteria include:
o discussion monitoring by a given user called a moderator with the optional possibility of interrupting the activities of a given participant (e.g. where he / she does not comply with netiquette rules),
o filtering of text information with automation of processes, eliminating information[...]   Детали...  We offer several IP telephony solutions:
o Advisory services concerning IP telephony applications and solutions,
o Solutions:
UNICALL CTI - (CTIServer, CTIConnector, CTIChip) - a system integrating the infrastructure of traditional digital or analogue telephony with computer systems providing a uniform treatment for all serviced communications channels (telephone, e-mail, SMS) and creating new automated commercial services based on a specialised server and a CTI digital[...]   Детали...  Co-location is a service consisting in locating your server in our server room. The main advantage of this solution is the fact that a company does not have to invest in Internet connection, the creation of a server room, building security systems, buying software, creating back-ups or monitoring server operation.
Our server-room has the most advanced security systems. Its windows are lined with special burglar-proof foil, and the door is locked digitally with an access code. The room can be accessed[...]   Детали...  The professional installation and further integration of the entire hardware, software and peripheral devices and data storage ensures the proper and uninterrupted operation of our customer's entire IT system.
The efficient and productive operation of a company's computer network often connecting its local branches is a vital condition for a company's development in the New Economy era. Spontaneous implementation, the uncontrollable development of a company's computer network without prior planning[...]   Детали...  A well-designed and properly created website:
o creates a company's image on the market;
o superbly promotes and supports brand position;
o creates a platform of contacts between customers and partners and improves the quality of customer service;
o supports planning of marketing campaigns and makes it possible to test their effectiveness;
o enhances communication with press;
o sells goods and services;
o provides bases[...]   Детали...  UNICALL CTI is a CTI class IT system. CTI technology (Computer-Telephone Integration) defines mechanisms of co-operation between computer systems and telephone exchange infrastructures.
UNICALL CTI makes it possible to control a telephone exchange (PABX) through the implementation of a standard CSTA protocol. CSTA (Computer Supported Telephony Applications) defined by ECMA determines communication procedures between CTI class applications and the infrastructure of the PABX system.
UNICALL CTI[...]   Детали...  WebCallCenter® has been created to enable a company's customer to contact it through its website. This software makes it possible to integrate infoline services with the Internet and manage incoming e-mails.
The following modules of the system are available:
CallMeBack / CallMeLater - the call-back service; the customer fills out the special form on the company website and indicates when he/she will be available on the phone. A company representative subsequently calls the person back on a[...]   Детали...  We provide an extensive range of services from planning and design, through implementation and integration, to full maintenance of your network infrastructure.
Computer network administration, its conscious utilisation and exploitation of the full range of the available network and communication and application services, require in-depth knowledge of a given solution. Not only does this knowledge concern mechanisms, techniques and technologies used to create a given computer system but also alternative[...]   Детали...  We design:
- banner campaigns
- e-mailings
- viral marketing tools
Each project is preceded by an in-depth analysis of a targeted group's behaviour on the Internet and Internet activities carried out by competitive companies. Then, in close liaison with our customer, we develop a common strategy and select the most adequate e-marketing tools.[...]   Детали...