QUANZHOU SYMBOL BAGS MFY.CO.,LTD. is a professional bags company in Quanzhou, China. We are specializing in Waterproof bag, welded bag,aqua bag,dry bag,handbags, backpack/rucksack, sportbags, travelbags & bicycle bags (handlebar bag,rear pannier,front pannier,saddle pack,saddlebag) by integrating designing, production and export. By boasting of the 280 skillful workers, complete management system, and wide experiences in bag products, we have enough capacity to handle the orders for kind of clients.
We provide product development and contract manufacturing services for OEM and ODM partners. Our samples team is able to make new products in varies material as Cordura,Nylon, PVC, TPU, Polyester etc. according to your samples, sketches or descriptions, the minimum order is start at 500pcs per item and we have monthly capacity out put of over 120,000pcs.
Good communication with our customers and quick reaction
Strong capability developing new products and delivering samples in time
well-controlled cost and suitable products at reasonable prices
Punctual delivery
Please feel free to contact us for more details about our products and company, we would like to send our latest catalogue to you upon requested.