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Plast-Market Sp. z o.o.

[Poland]Dyeing PP&PE pipes

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Our many years’ experience in providing color masterbatches for production of PP&PE pipes has allowed us to develop optimized products fine tuned to meet your requirements.

In our offer we have an assortment of most popular standard colours for dyeing of PP&PE pipes.

We also develop colors tailored to meet our Customers’ special requirements together with a complete Price-to-Effect Ratio® analysis and full aftersale technical support.

In our base we have more than 15 000 recipes of colors fine developed for our Customers.

Our concentrates comply with requirements under Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and Council dated 27th January 2003 concerning the use of dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.

The benefits of application:
* Heavy duty dyeing
* High durability of dyeing
* Photo resistance
* Endurance to weather (dampness, temperature, air pollution, salt)
* High compatibility with dyed polymer
* Resistance to migration to media getting into contact
* Control of the phenomena of nucleation and warping of goods
* Easy emptying of injection mould
* Low cost of dyeing.

Dosed feeding:
The dosing of the concentrate depends upon the required degree of dyeing intensity and thickness of a HA products’ walls. Suggested dosing should be in the range of 1-2% of the concentrate.
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Additional information:

Model/Article number:POLMAST Color
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Chemicals & Plastics ->Plastics - industrial raw materials


Plast-Market Sp. z o.o.

Street:Zorzy 1
City:Klaudyn, Poczta Izabelin
Postal code:05-080
Phone: +48 22 7528250
Fax: +48 22 7528251

Contact person

Name and Surname: Adam Kotowicz
Phone: +48 22 7228250
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