Währungskurse: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [mehr...]
Sprache: deutsch english

Suchwort: [Erweiterte Suche]

Branche:Lebensmittel -> Konserven


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Mavua Group more

Land: Israel
Region: Israel
Ort: Tel Aviv
Straße: 6.haSollelim
Telefon: +972 3 5626612
Fax: +972 3 5626615
Firm Rank: 0
"MAVUA" Group of Companies was established in 1990. "MAVUA" is a member of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce and Israeli Export Institute . "MAVUA" is an accredited company for all types of import & export operations. Fields of activity •kosher foodstuffs in mixed containers to c.i.s., germany, poland, u.s.a., canada, australia. uk •“barkan’ wine to eastern europe •"osem" - groceries, snacks, soup concentrates, pastry to eastern europe[...]