Branche:Möbel Land:Rumänien Featured companies Tsunami srl
Tsunami comp. is from Brasov city, Romania. We are an import- export company , and we are interest in stocks at low price.
We have many contacts in Romania and a large nomber of custumers from a very diferent range of products like electronics, furniture, domestic, and more. We whant to fiind reasonable supplyers from Europe and Asia for a long term colaboration.[...]
Fabrica De Jaluzele
De-a lungul celor 10 ani de experiență, Fabrica de jaluzele este firma excelent pe tot parcursul România. Noi iti oferim cea mai buna alegere pentru a decora casa ta. Avem atât de multe produse care se potrivesc bugetului cu culorile excelente ?i modele. Noi iti oferim jaluzele exterioare orizontale, Rulouri textile, copertine retractabile, rulouri exterioare aluminiu, copertine de balcon, umbra Roman ?i zebra rolete. Produsele noastre va va oferi frumusete impresionanta precum intimitate foarte[...]
We are a company from Romania and manufactures wood houses,prefabricated houses, furnitures from liwing room, bedroom, kitchen etc Main products is European modern leather sofa, fabric sofa, and sofa bed, receliner sofa with 9 years experience.
With exporting stander package and excllent quality.[...]
S.C. Dal Maris Com S.R.L.
Our company can help you to find what kind of furniture you need. We can offer you solid wood furniture, dining table, chairs, stairs,kitcken and evrithing you desire.
If you are interesed to work whit us please contact and ask for picture.
We offer also cooperation: production of furniture according to the client's design.[...]
Here are some informations on our company:
1.Year established: 1994
2.Nationality of the firm: ROMANIAN
3.Ownership: PRIVATE
4.Number of employees: 10
5.Assets: 10.000 square meters field surface, built surface: 2 halls of 1200 square meters each, one equipped with machines for processing wood
7.Languages used for correspondence: ENGLISH
8.Trade-marks: production of wood-made furniture for garden and exterior arrangements, furniture made[...]