Branche:Möbel -> Gartenmöbel Land:Polen Featured companiesFurniture Factory AIB Ltd.
There is seen that tradition built since 1967 as well as modern organization solutions and technology specialized in wood production combine successfully in Furniture Factory AIB Ltd. Such connection guarantees the highest quality of its products.
The Company's offer includes several types of chairs, arm-chairs and tables. Production range keeps growing. Present production is based on five kinds of wood: birch, beech, oak, pine and acacia. Company has been specialized in garden[...]
BEKA s.c. [Englisch] [Deutsch]
Zur Zeit spezialisieren wir uns auf die Herstellung von Böttcherprodukten. Traditionell machen wir Wein- und Gemüsefässer. Wir machen auch mannigfaltige Ständer und Gestelle für Wein, verschiedene Dekorationserzeugnisse. Wir bieten hölzerne Ständer, Saunas, Badewannen, Eimer, Blumentöpfe und viele andere Dinge an.
Unsere Familie beschäftigt sich mit dem Tischlerhandwerk seit 1911. Viele unserer anspruchsvollen Kunden sind mit unseren Diensten zufrieden. Die umfassende Berufserfahrung[...]
FPUH M. T. Produkt-2 Metaloplastyka
Empiria has been on the market since 1990. We are import-export company, working on many foreign markets. Our main articles come from Asia, as follows:
- steel flanges and cast iron flanges for pipes according to European and American standards. We also adjust to customers' needs and base on their own drawings;
- technical chains, cattle chains and dog chains;
- steel lever shears
- cast iron moulds: artistical, technical, home use etc.
- other
We asure professional service to our customers[...]