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Featured companies

HESPO CZ s.r.o. more [Englisch] [Deutsch]

Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Litvínov
Straße: Rooseveltova 296
Telefon: +420 476 111031
Fax: +420 476 111031
Firm Rank: 0
Die Firma beschäftigt sich vorwiegend mit der Anfuhr. Wir verführen frischen Eier, Milch, Milchprodukte, Öle und das Verpackungsmaterialen. Die Firma wurde Bc. Milada Hesterini und Pavel Hesterini am September 2001 gegründet. Milada und Pavel Hesterini sammeln Etna 10 Jahren die Erfährungen bei dem Unternehmen auf dem tschechischen Markt. Nach kurzer Zeit begann die Firma ganz Böhmen fajčen. In der Gegenwart handlen wir auch mit dem Ausland. Die Firma HESPO CZ s.r.o. hat das funktionsfähige[...]

EspressoServis s. r. o. more

Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Soběslav
Straße: Zvěrotice58
Telefon: +420 721730055
Firm Rank: 0

ORPA Papír a.s. more

Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Lanškroun
Straße: Nádražní 150, Žichlínské Předměstí
Telefon: +420 465 386111
Fax: +420 465 386105
Firm Rank: 0
Orpa Papir is producer: - paper tubes and cores ( produced by spiral or convolute winding of paper) used for wind paper, foils, textil fabics - paper tubes for chemical fibres - paper sleeves for glass fibres - combi cans - used for packaging of instant products, salts and spices, vitamins and drugstore substances[...]

Čerstvá káva - Specialisté na čerstvou kávu more

Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Praha
Straße: Antala Staška
Telefon: +420 2 22333444
Firm Rank: 0

ARIELFIN a.s. more

Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Ostrava
Straße: Masna 1324/1
Telefon: +420 59 5540465
Firm Rank: 0
A company provides business services for domestic/Czech/ and foreign companies.Import- export advices, searching for new goods and technical solution. Besides we own some patents and model utilities fro advertising and beverage fields. A firm is offering co-operation in special beverages´s producing as water for dogs is and also water enriched with caffeine and vitamin C. All kinds of mutual fruitful co-operation possible.[...]

Ing. Milan HODECEK more

Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Havirov Podlesi
Straße: Dlouha trida 1320/115
Telefon: +420 59 6430692
Fax: +420 59 6430692
Firm Rank: 0
Our client a Czech company produces and installs the ready-to-use breweries with a capacity from 50 to 6.000 litters per day. Lately the consumers are more and more asking for installation of the interior breweries in hotels, restaurants and bars where the beer is brewed and sold at once place which is very. To our visitors we can offer special sorts of the filtrated and unfiltered beer, black and light beer up to 17° and at the same time with the chance to see the beer brewing procedures. In[...]


Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Praha 4
Straße: Na Lysině 25
Telefon: +420 2 61227762
Fax: +420 2 61227767
Firm Rank: 0
Welcome to Indiana s.r.o. in Prague, Czech Republic We would like to introduce our new Indiana company, the only one in the Czech Republic. For the long time we tried to found out some product what we can´t buy in our country, maybe in the whole Europe. After so many years of experience, hard work in the food business and travel around the world, we finally made a decision to start making „ the best INDIANA MEAT JERKY IN EUROPE“. Hopefully, you too will become one of the many who say: „ Your[...]


Land: Tschechien
Region: Tschechien
Ort: Valtice
Straße: Mikulovská 228
Telefon: +420 519 352054
Fax: +420 519 352054
Firm Rank: 0
Streamlined shapes, confluent lines, asymmetrical forms and harmonic curves. The unlimited fantasy of the design of these shapes and sizes has produced objects, which are ordinarily defined as cylindrical glass vessels with a neck. This definition is now valid only in part, as the shapes of the bottles are not now limited merely to a cylinder, but gain the form of all kinds of different shapes. The wide spectrum of unique, atypical and classical types of wine, champagne and spirits bottles have[...]