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Branche:Textilbekleidung & Mode


Featured companies

Kiran Exports more [Englisch] [Deutsch]

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: Kolkata
Straße: 2 DD Lane
Telefon: +91 033 22742953
Firm Rank: 0
Hagelnd von Indien, Kolkata, sind wir eine führende Herstellung und Exportierenorganisation in auffangene „der Kostüm-Schmucksachen“.Wir führen passend internationale Satznormen von Modus operandi ein, wie, keine Kinderarbeit in unserer Firma geübt wird. Unsere Organisation wird durch Lache der geschickten Handwerker bevollmächtigt, die einwandfreie Kunstfertigkeit von den Vorfahren übernommen und im meisten förderlichen Klima arbeiten haben. „Kundenbezogenheit der Schmucksachen“ ist[...]

Home Sweet Home - Curtains . Wallpapers . Mattress . Bedlinen . WoodenFlooring . Silks more [Englisch] [Deutsch]

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: Bangalore
Straße: No 138, 4th Main, Industrial town, West of Chord Road Rajajinagar
Telefon: +91 80 23400016
Firm Rank: 0
Looking for Fine Startseite Dekorationsstoffe aus Bangalore? Home Sweet Home in Home Furnishing Fabrics mit einem scharfen Fokus auf natürliche Fasern wie Seide, Angebote Bettwäsche etc. Home Sweet Home Distinct, Seide und Leinen Lässige Einrichtungsgegenstände zu einem guten Preis. Home Sweet Home hat eine wunderschöne Variety Of Silks In Plains, Jacquards und Stickereien, die speziell für Vertrieb ausgelegt sind. Wir bieten Schneiden Service Von Stocks in über 500 Farben in allen grundlegenden[...]

Gemini Overseas more [Englisch] [Deutsch]

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: Kolkata
Straße: 5/7 Buroshivtalla Main Road,H-13 Bangur Complex
Telefon: +91 33 24008536
Firm Rank: 0
Tweeling is overzee in zaken die Lange jaren geweest, slechts de hoogste kwaliteitsgoederen van India levert onze fabrieken geëerbiedigde fabrieken in de wereld zijn. ONZE PRODUCTEN OMVAT DE HOGE PRODUCTEN VAN DE WAAIER ALS:- 1) HET WINKELEN VAN DE JUTE ZAKKEN VOOR AL OCCATIONS 2) NATUURLIJKE SOAPNUTS die ALS DETERGENTIA VOOR het WASSEN van WOLLEN DOEKEN wordt GEBRUIKT een ZEER HEET VERKOPEND PUNT IN EUROPA 3) De HENNA een NATUURLIJK DECORATIEF PUNT van het LICHAAM NUTTIG VOOR DAMES VOOR de KUNST[...]

Smartinc India (Apparel Buying Agency) more

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: 25,Kangayam Road, Tirupur
Straße: #7,M.C.M.complex 1st floor
Telefon: +91 421 2427790
Fax: +91 421 2251797
Firm Rank: 0
We are pleased to introduce our selves ,as SMARTINC INDIA one of the apparel Manufacture and Buying Agency based at tirupur in India. Mostly we are working for U.S,UK and UAE Buyers. We Have established in our concern in 2002 .We have more than 10Years experience in this field .This concern is running by two partners .Both are very experience in this field. We are Maintaining AQL (Accsess quality level) formula for our supplying products. Our products: Our products as like born[...]

Apparel Trendss more

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: Tirupur - 1
Straße: 47, Sarath complex, Union Mill Road
Telefon: +91 0421 4320220
Fax: +91 0421 4320220
Firm Rank: 0
We are the garment Manufacturer and Exporters from Tirupur, We specally doing 100% Cotton, Organic Cotton, Bamboo, Fairtrade and all eco friendly knitted products, Our MOQ is 50 T-shirts to Maximum what need the big quanties. Our Email Id- appareltrendss@gmail.com Ph - +91-421-4320220 Mobile - +919894494422 Contact Person - K.S.Prabhu[...]

Reliable Exports more

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: New Delhi
Straße: B-9 JANGPURA-B,
Telefon: +91 93 13720543
Firm Rank: 0
We are manufacturers and exporters of scarves, shawls, stole, Hijabs, and Costume and fashion jewellery. We are selling latest fashion items world over. We are making scarves and shawls in many materials from 100% pure exclusive cashmere pashmina, to cashmere silk blend, regular wool, cotton, and Low Price Viscose. We make bold and beautiful items in costume jewellery using, various items like glass and synthetic beads, metals, bones, and other items.[...]

Honey International more

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: New Delhi -110 008
Straße: 604 Padma Tower-1st, 5 Rajindra Place,
Telefon: +91 11 25824786
Fax: +91 11 25726786
Firm Rank: 0
business with india representative/associates/partnership in india offer services to the world . who are looking for a representative/associates/partnership for their products/other servies in india, also looking for sourcing, purasing, inspection services on the behalf of our company in india or act as representative/ associates/ partner in india. also exporter of handicrafts,nauticals, games, leather goods & accessories, cotton socks, sportswear / goods, woollen & pashmina's[...]

Pooja Garments more

Land: Indien
Region: Indien
Ort: Noida
Straße: C - 204, Sector - 63 Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201 301, (India)
Telefon: +91 98 91712359
Firm Rank: 0
We Pooja Garments, are one of the reputed manufacturers and exporters of stylish, captivating, fashionable and designer ladies apparels. Coming finished in exclusive designs, the broad category of our range of ladies party wears and ladies apparels include high fashionable kurtis.[...]