Branche:Papier & Holzindustrie Land:Tschechien Featured companies Arnaud Česká s.r.o.
Company Arnaud Česká is distribution company owned by parent company Arnaud France SA(100%) and working in following areas:
Coating industry
Rubber industry
Plastics and composites
Life science(food, pharma, cosmetics)
We are aslo mebrer of Azelis groupe.[...]
Jaroslav Paprskar
Beech panels
All the year round we offer panels from slightly steamed beech-throughgoing and fingerjointed, thickness 16-50 mm every gvality for good prices
and we also offer dry planed cut-to-size slightly
steamed beech elements.[...]
N+N, vyroba drevenych hracek
Firm produces wooden toys. Custom production. Autos, trains, craft, horsy conveyance, mock - up historical cars and steam engines. On production employs beech, mahogany, birch.
Firm forms suggestions toys.[...]
We are producer of 3-layers wooden parquetts, mostly from european timbers - oak, beech, acacia, birch, maple, also from bamboo. We have new UNICLIC profile for connection.
We are imprter of exotic timbers, mostly we are interesting in bangkirai, massaranduba and meranti scantlings.[...]
Nowera s.r.o.
Nowera s.r.o. established as a sister company Teximco s.r.o. for products diversification having business partners mainly in Southeast Asia dealing with 2nd hand textile machines and offset printing machines.
Solid wood parquets are our new business line having our customers e.g. in Europe, Midle East.[...]