Branche:Landwirtschaft & Gärtnerei
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: Chernigov |
Straße: 57 Shchors Str.
Telefon: +380 462 675544
Fax: +380 462 667290 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
PPHU JNL beschäftigt sich mit Produktion und Großhandel verschiedenen Grützen, Getreide und anderen Naturalien.
Die Firma wurde im Jahre 1992 gegründet und hat eine reiche Handelserfahrung mit vielen Ländern bekommt. Zur Zeit arbeiten wir mit mehr als 20 Ländern mit.
PPHU JNL ist ein Mitglied der Ukrainischen Industrie- und Handelskammer und hat der Status sicheren Lieferanten bekommt.
Wir bieten folgende Produkte aus unserem Sortiment an: halbe Erbsen, Hirsengrütze, Buchweizengrütze,[...]
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: Kherson |
Straße: petrenko, 18, of. 107
Telefon: +380 67 5117722
Fax: +380 67 5117722 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Export-Import, Herstellung. Plant. Samen, Senf, Hirse, Sorghum, Koriander, Leinsamen, Sonnenblumenkerne Iregi, Lupinen, Sojabohnen, Mais, Weizen, Rübenschnitzel, Zucker, Mehl, Weizen, alle Arten von Getreide, Milch, Samen von Esparsette, Wicke, Frühling, Winter Wicke, Kanarienvogel , Mais, Sojaöl, Sonnenblumenöl, Weizenkleie, Bierhefe Korn, Gerste, Mais, Hafer, Koriander-Pulver, Hafer, Roggen, Kichererbsen, Linsen, Malz, Hopfen, Kürbiskerne, Sojaöl Kuchen, Stärke, Soda, Bierhefe Korn.
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: Chernigov |
Straße: Molodshego, 46
Telefon: +38 0462 651842
Fax: +38 0462 651842 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Dear Sirs,
The Ukrainian company "AGROPARTNER" LTD is glad to greet you.
We are company from Ukraine successfully trading with fertilizers about 10 years on the Ukrainian, Belarus and Russian markets. We are offering and buying such fertilizers as ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, NPK, urea…
Our company also trades with grains, flour, seeds and FLC.
Today we are looking for new interesting markets and propositions.
We expect to hear from you in the near future.
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: херсон |
Straße: домостроительная11
Telefon: +380 50 6437229
Fax: +380 50 6437229 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
The Limited Liability Company �Azote-Trans Ltd� is a strong conglomerate company with blistering production pace. It has turned in a good performance at the market since 1997. From the very first the company�s work has been planned according to the golden rule of long-term stability. That means that we have showed up at the market not with get-rich-quick schemes, which would bring us to quick ruin. We are resolved to work with a businesslike and well-directed approach for many years to come.[...]
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: Kiev |
Straße: Reytarska, 8/5a
Telefon: +380 44 2786360
Fax: +380 44 2786336 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: Nizhyn |
Straße: 7 A Moskovska street
Telefon: +380 4631 41400
Fax: +380 4631 53404 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Enlightening - production and commercial firm “Syaivo”, LTD was established in 1993.
The company deals with trade with oil-bearing crops (linseed, sunflower, rapeseed, mustard seeds, coriander, hempseed), grains (oats, corn), legumes (soyabeans, lupine, vetch, peas, beans), oil-cakes (sunflower, soya, rapeseed, mustard, linseed cakes), edible and industrial oils (sunflower, soya, rapeseed, mustard, linseed oils).
Our prices are competitive, deliveries – reliable.
The firm “Syaivo”[...]
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: Verhnie Serogozy |
Straße: Pochtovaya str., 36-B
Telefon: +38 050 3998083
Fax: +38 050 3285404 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
The “Kaissa” company is engaged in manufacturing and selling refined, deodorized, and unrefined sunflower oil. We also buy sunflower seeds for a production.
Highly qualified specialists work on the production. To achieve qualified and healthy oil, we maintain all standards that are strictly subjected in qualifying of a high control in every stage of the production.
We use our own special DAF trucks, and RENO trailers with food tanks and Flexi-tanks for delivering orders for our customers.[...]
Land: Ukraine
Region: Ukraine
Ort: Donetsk |
Straße: Rosy Luxemburg
Telefon: +38 062 5923091
Fax: +38 062 5923091 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
The large agricultural company from Ukraine with main scope of activity
in production, processing and sale of grain and oil-yielding crops
(sunflower, wheat, barley, maize at al.) is looking for cooperation
with consumers and importers of confectionary sunflower seeds.
The company produces and calibrates with modern equipment
confectionary & bakery sunflower seeds of the best sorts:
Lakomka (Gourmand), Almaz (Diamond), Donskoy krupnoplodniy
(Large-fruited from Don), Zaporozhskiy konditerskiy[...]