Währungskurse: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [mehr...]
Sprache: deutsch english

Suchwort: [Erweiterte Suche]

Branche:Landwirtschaft & Gärtnerei -> Düngemittel, Pflanzenschutz, Pflanzenpflegemittel


Featured companies

COFERAL-3 more

Land: Spanien
Region: Spanien
Ort: Estepona
Straße: C/ Marconi 8 Poligono Industrial
Telefon: +34 626541852
Fax: +34 952808647
Firm Rank: 0
We are a company constitued, structured and dedicated 100% to the development, investigation and manufacture of special agronutients. We offer to our customers the maxima quality and effectivness. We respond of the quality of all our products and services. We Have the experience of professionals with vewry high tecnical experience.[...]

Valenciatiles Co. Ltd more

Land: Spanien
Region: Spanien
Ort: Valencia
Straße: Severo Ochoa 10
Telefon: +34 961 828246
Fax: +34 961 828246
Firm Rank: 0
Valenciatiles Co. Ltd. was founded at 2000 in Spain.We are trading company for worldfamous ceramictiles from Valencia area (representing 3 factories, with economic , standard and upper class category). Have links to the factories catalogs and send you also quotation CIF from Port Castellon or Valencia in 20FT containers worldwide. We sell in over 78 countries. Looking for construction and wholesale companies worldwide. All buyers welcome to visit the production. Will pick up you from the Airport[...]


Land: Spanien
Region: Spanien
Ort: Carmona (Seville)
Straße: Crta. Carmona-Guadajoz Km. 3.1
Telefon: +34 954 196230
Fax: +34 954 196240
Firm Rank: 0
Tratamientos Guadalquivir S.A. (TRAGUSA), European agrochemical company certified to conform to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 17025, is dedicated to the production and commercialisation of a varied and full range of Agrochemical Products, based on an experience and technological "know how" dating back more than 40 years: Herbicides, Insecticides, Acaricides, Fungicides, Nematicides, Fertilisers, and Various others. We look for companies interested in forming part of the International[...]