Branche:Unternehmensdienstleistungen Land:Neuseeland Featured companies E.A.R.N Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise Architecture online training course
In the early 2011 the E.A.R.N Methodology was taught to individuals through 5 day full time sessions. However In 2013 E.A.R.N started the development of their “Online” training portal. We are now ready to launch.
Audience: There are currently thousands of uncertified Architects, and Tens of Thousands looking to take Architecture roles across the country, with no University Degree or Collage Courses, the only way to become an Enterprise Architect[...]
TimeFiler (Enfinit Software Ltd)
TimeFiler is an online time and attendance management system that helps employers to manage staff time records from time clocks, through to rosters, leave requests and timesheets.
TimeFiler simplifies time sheets, making them easy to use and accessible from anywhere. These time sheets are configured to suit each customer, whether they are management or an employee, saving on time and human error.
With automatic award interpretation, TimeFiler shows employees exactly how they will be paid as[...]