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Kuang Teng Mold Co., Ltd

[Taiwan]Hot runner mold for containers

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Offer hot runner mold for containers with thin wall-thickness:

* PP PS cups for coffee & airline catering
* Containers with lids
* In-mold-labeling containers
* Pails and buckets
* Forks, knives, spoons.(multi-cavity, full hot-runner mold)
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Additional information:

Place of origin:Taiwan
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Chemie & Kunststoffe ->Plastics products


Kuang Teng Mold Co., Ltd

Straße:No. 291, Jhonghua Rd., Siansi Twonship
Ort:Changhua County
Telefon: +886 4 7587412
Fax: +886 4 7587413


Name und Vorname: Cheng-Huai Yao
Handy: +886 47587412
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