Währungskurse: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [mehr...]
Sprache: deutsch english






These are generally short films which aim at TEACHING A VIEWER. Everything can be learnt, therefore RANGE OF THEMES and topics is endless, conformed to the current need. Among them are for instance: - industrial machines, devices manuals - dancing courses, aerobics classes, exercices - professional education, trainings - education of behaviour, acting in specific situations - other according to needs Subjects who might be interested in production of this kind of film are: -[...]



Film presentations These are several- or 'a dozen or so'- minute film presenting: - city, region - specific assortment/range of production - services - definite activity - organisation - other subjects Film presentation plays an INFORMATIVE-ADVERTISING ROLE. It becomes especially useful when shown object cannot be moved or is difficult to move e.g attractive region, city, camping, big industrial machines, furniture, hotels, restaurants etc. Film presentation carries first[...]



Interesting matters, events, places can be told by reportage film. This is a short - from 15 to 30 minutes - film being a shortened, concise report. It can serve following puproses: - shortened documentation e.g. instead of written report - informative-advertising presentation - enclosure to books or leaflets contextually related to film - film for Television Examples of productions: - Reportages from Letnie Ogólnopolskie Spotkania z Teatrem i Filmem we Wdzydzach Kiszewskich [Summer[...]


[Polen]Spot advertisement

These are SHORT films lasting from a half to 2 or 3 minutes fulfiling advertising function. It is 'the stuff' aiming at telling: I EXIST and encourage, speaking TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT Spot advertisements can be shown at Fairs, on Television, on huge street screens, in cinemas before projections, during on location open air events on telebim. Range of themes of this kind of advertisement is unlimited. Interested in it could be either private firms, companies, enterpreneurs (big, medium,[...]



This film's runtime, LENGTH IS UNLIMITED. It is a documentation, but not on the paper - on film. This change of material creates new possibilities. Sound, vision, move, voice mirror much more then letters, sentences and paragraphs. Especially when it comes to reflect an event as faithfully as it is possible. Film REGISTERS REALITY at definite time and place WITHOUT A COMMENT - like report, minutes, protocol etc. Conventions, conferences, meetings, demonstrations, shows, exhibitions, music[...]
