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Więcborskie Zakłady Metalowe Wizamor Spółka z o.o.

[Polen]Metal pipe connections

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Steel screwed pipe connections with a ring or ball end (conical) are used in hydraulic drives and steering systems in different branches of industry for connecting or joining steel pipes or hoses of nominal pressure up to 16 MPa and 32 MPa, for liquids which do not cause corrosion acc. to PN-79/M-73079.

Light series products – L(16MPa) are used for higher mechanic loads, e.g. in high pressure conduits.
Heavy series products – S(32 MPa) are used in high pressure hydraulic installations, e.g. with a shock load, in ship and heavy machine building, in chemical industry, etc.

All the steel products (L and S series) are electrolytically zinc coated.
Made: according to PN-ISO 8434, our own catalogue or our customer's individual requirements.
Material: steel, brass, stainless steel
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Related products: Metalurgie & Hüttenkunde ->Ironworks products -> Metal U-links


Więcborskie Zakłady Metalowe Wizamor Spółka z o.o.

Straße:Starodworcowa 5
Region:Kujawen und Pommern
Telefon: +48 052 3897004
Fax: +48 052 3898521


Name und Vorname: Tadeusz Ledworowski
Telefon: +48 052 3897004
Handy: +48 693110021
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