Währungskurse: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [mehr...]
Sprache: deutsch english

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*This company has only Standard profile.
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[Indien]Asphalt Mixing Plant

Offering Continuous type parallel flow Drum Mix Asphalt Plant with output capacity ranging from 30 TPH to 150 TPH. Standard supply for one set of plant consists of Cold Aggregate Feeder Bins, Single Deck Vibratory Screen, Slinger Conveyor, Drying cum Mixing Drum fitted with Automatic Burner & Multi cone Primary Dust Collector, Hot mix Load Out Conveyor with Gob Hopper & Power Pack, Asphalt Tank with Pumping Unit, Piping & Automatic Burner, Mineral Filler Unit, Wet type Secondary Dust[...]


[Indien]Concrete Mixing Plant

We offer fully automatic Stationary & Mobile Concrete Mixing Plants to produce homogenous mixture of aggregates, sand, cement, water, additive etc. for construction of buildings, bridges, roads, canal, dams and other concrete construction projects. Our Concrete Batching Plants are with Single integrated PLC based touch screen power and control panel with LCD display. The panel is with in built serial printer interface and power full recipe management. All Concrete Batch Plant are equipped[...]


[Indien]Bitumen Sprayer

We offer skid mounted and trolley mounted bitumen sprayer for tack coat application during road construction. Skid mounted bitumen sprayers are available with bitumen tank storage capacities of 4000 ltrs. to 8000 ltrs. and are suitable to be mounted on standard truck chassis. Trolley type bitumen sprayers are available with bitumen tank storage capacities of 1000 ltrs. to 3000 ltrs. and mounted on four wheeled trolleys with tow bar.[...]


[Indien]Asphalt Pavers

We offer self propelled Mechanical drive & Hydrostatic drive wheeled Asphalt Pavers to Road Construction Industry for hot mix laying on highways, streets, parking lots etc. In mechanical drive asphalt pavers the power to traction wheels, feeding conveyors & augers is transmitted through roller chain & individual gearboxes from diesel engine. The paver is equipped with full floating telescopic screed fitted with LPG burners for heating. In hydrostatic drive asphalt pavers the power[...]
