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Zhejiang University Bioactive Substance Research Center

[China]Saccharicterpenin Feed Additive

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(1) The key technology of Saccharicterpenin represents a novel alternative to antibiotics in animal feed and has been granted invention patents in the P. R. China, USA, Australia, Israel, Russia, Japan, Canada and Europe. Saccharicterpenin has been listed on the No. 318 Announcement “Content of Feed Additive Variety” of the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture.

(2) Saccharicterpenin Feed Additive composed of triterpenoid and saccharide from the plant Camellia L was approved as a novel feed additive by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China.

(3) Research conducted on Saccharicterpenin has shown it exhibits properties of improving animal immune function, enhancing antibacterial and antiviral activity, enhancing animal growth performance and improving meat quality. It also demonstrates antimutational and antioxidational effects along with the scavenging of free radicals.
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Zhejiang University Bioactive Substance Research Center

Straße:No.268 Kaixuan Road Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China
Telefon: +86 571 86971372
Fax: +86 571 86971257


Name und Vorname: Megan Qiu
Telefon: +86 571 86971372
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