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Rutkowski Ltd Sp z o.o.


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It is our pleasure to present our offer to you: an invitation to participate in the new development of the real estate located on the territory of the Gniewkowo municipality in the Kujawy-Pomorze province. E-Park Area – Wierzchoslawice.

Our offer:

- commencement of a joint venture,
- leasing with a possible option to transfer the ownership,
- purchase of the real estate in part or in whole,
Current valuation in accordance with the market value – 3 500 000.
Real estate’s offer value is 2 500 000.


Kujawy-Pomorze province, Wierzchoslawice, Gniewkowo municipality. The real estate is located 500 m from a major Poznań – Toruń – Olsztyn route; communication: railway (PKP) and coach (PKS) stations are located 100 m away. The real estate is located in the center of Poland, among Inowrocław, Toruń and Bydgoszcz towns. The A1 North-South motorway is located 30 km away.


The Gniewkowo municipality development plan identifies the real estate as suitable for industrial and storage purposes and further unlimited development.

Grounds and Areas:

Area of the industrial lot: 29 206 m2
Usable area of buildings: 3 066 m2


- electrical grid supplying up to 400 KW of energy, (transformer station)
- water and sewage system suitable for a plant employing 250 people
- gas system for large consumption of gas (reduction station)

Appropriation description:

The lot features a production hall (700 m2 of area, 8 m tall) with an overhead crane with the lifting capacity of 2 tons. The building also has two side bays (900 m2 of area), an office and training section and social facilities. The office and training building has a separate entrance and is connected with the rest of the plant. It contains 7 office rooms of a total area of 300 m2, 2 training rooms of a total area of 300 m2 and a laboratory room. The warehouse building, which is 700 m2 large and 4 m tall, is a separate real estate. The objects’ doors and windows are made of PVC and aluminum. The floors are covered with milled rock tiles. The building is heated with natural gas boilers and has a water and sewage system. The sanitary section of the building and the hall are equipped with floor heating system. Compact lighting and ceiling louver luminaires form the lighting system. The entire office and training section has an audio system. The building comes with complete kitchen facilities with a gas system. The industrial section has floors made of milled rock tiles, a compressed air system, a three-phase wiring system and a lighting system. A separate entrance leads to the reception hall and 3 technical and office rooms with sanitary facilities and a locker room for ca 60 people. Two automatic Hörmann doors lead to the bay and the main hall. The hall is heated by gas heaters and, in its lower part, by central heating radiators. The floor is made of 20 cm thick concrete covered with 10 cm of
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Additional information:

Model/Article number:E-Park
Place of origin:Wierzchoslawice k/ Toruń
Price:3500000 PLN
Price Terms:wartosc rynkowa - do negocjacji


Related products: Immobilien ->Obiekty


Rutkowski Ltd Sp z o.o.

Straße:Warszawska 4
Region:Kujawen und Pommern
Telefon: +48 56 6539261
Fax: +48 56 6539262


Name und Vorname: Bartosz Rutkowski
Telefon: +48 56 6539262
Handy: +48 601688710
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