Cognex is the world's leader of vision systems production and integration. In the year 2005 Zapis Hardware Sp. z o.o. entered into the partner agreement with Cognex and became Cognex System Integrator.
Vision systems are modern and dynamically expanding technology, used for remote testing of industrial products. They make possible quality control of shapes, measures, printed designs, reading of bar or matrix codes and ASCII code (OCR). They can measure lenght, diameter, distance between fixed points and so on.
Vision systems are used for:
· product’s assembly control
· production control and supervising
· packing control and segregation
· product’s identification
In-Sight® vision system is presently one of the most advanced systems on the world. It ensures splendid abilities, reliability and precision. Reasonable price makes the investition profit in short time and keep up product quality on the highest level.