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Hubei Fotma Machinery Co., Ltd

[China]Lanthanated -Tungsten Electrode

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The lanthanated tungsten became very popular in the circle of welding in the world soon after it was developed because of its good welding performance .The electric conductivity of Lanthanated Tungsten is most closed to that of 2% Thoriated Tungsten. Welders can easily replace Thoriated Tungsten Electrode with Lanthanated tungsten Electrode at either AC or DC and not have to make any welding program changes. The radioactivity from Thoriated Tungsten can thus be avoided. Another advantage of Lanthanated Tungsten is being able to bear high current and having the lowest burn-loss rate. Our WL Electrodes are state patent products.
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Related products: Metalurgie & Hüttenkunde ->Ironworks products -> Non-ferrous metal products


Hubei Fotma Machinery Co., Ltd

Straße:Building 3, International Enterprises Center. Guanshan Road 2 Te 1#, Wuchang, Wuhan, P.R.China
Telefon: +86 27 67845275
Fax: +86 27 67845262


Name und Vorname: Handson Liu
Telefon: +86 27 67845275
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