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Hubei Fotma Machinery Co., Ltd

[China]Tungsten-Copper Alloy

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WCu composites are offered with 10--40wt.% Cu.
High thermal conductivity.
Low thermal expansion.
High arc resistance combined with good electrical conductivity.

2 Applications:
Arcing contacts and vacuum contacts in high and medium voltage breakers or vacuum interruptors
Electrodes in spark erosion cutting machines
Heat sinks as passive cooling elements of electronic devices.
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Price:Ask for price


Related products: Metalurgie & Hüttenkunde ->Ironworks products -> Non-ferrous metal products


Hubei Fotma Machinery Co., Ltd

Straße:Building 3, International Enterprises Center. Guanshan Road 2 Te 1#, Wuchang, Wuhan, P.R.China
Telefon: +86 27 67845275
Fax: +86 27 67845262


Name und Vorname: Handson Liu
Telefon: +86 27 67845275
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