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Euroasia Trade S. L

[Taiwan]Magic Football

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1 open bottle cap
2 pour water into the can-the football has to be fully covered by water.
3 wait for 1 hour. after that,open the sealed hole on the bottom of the tin so that the water can leak.the egg will break within 12 hours.
4 should the egg not break by itself within 12 hours.please break it manually.
5 pour water every day.after 6-10 days germination will start.
6 keep the plant in a sunny place, temperature between 20'c to 35'c.

Enable you to enjoy the joy of the growth of a " Magic Words" on a Bean.
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Additional information:

Place of origin:China
Price:Ask for price
Delivery time:20 days
Minimum order:1000pcs
Quality/Certifications:patent product


Related products: Kinder ->Toys -> Andere


Euroasia Trade S. L

Straße:2F., No.33, Lane 280, Sec. 7, Chengde Rd., Beitou District,
Ort:Taipei City
Telefon: +886 2 28289082
Fax: +886 2 28289082


Name und Vorname: Shari Chiang
Telefon: +886 2 28289082
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