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Sprache: deutsch english

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Apis Spol s.r.o.

[Slowakei]Honey offer

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We can offer good quality Slovakian honey, new crop - acacia and forest honey, packed in metal drums of 280 kg net at competitive prices DDP buyers warehouse.

The merchandise is free from antibiotics, quality otherwise as per the EU Honey Legislation and the EU Veterinary Control Regulations. The copies of lab results are available upon request.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards
Uveges Kristian
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Additional information:

Place of origin:Slovakia
Price:Ask for price
Packing:280 kg, 250g, 490g, 900g
Minimum order:7 tones


Related products: Lebensmittel ->Naturkost


Apis Spol s.r.o.

Straße:Zelená 258/20
Ort:Velke Kapusany
Telefon: +421 56 6282801
Fax: +421 56 6282801


Name und Vorname: Kristian Uveges
Telefon: +421 56 6282801
Handy: +907 162130
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