Währungskurse: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [mehr...]
Sprache: deutsch english

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[Tunesien]Spherical Vase 30cm

Ball shaped Ceramic vase "Cappuccino", manually decorated. Patterns and colours inspired from the Tunisian and Mediterranean handicraft. Diam: 30 cm. weight: 2500(.g) price: 24.6 EUR[...]


[Tunesien]Kit Oil lamp perfumed

Replica of Roman oil lamp. Using the same terracotta we find in the old Roman ruins in Salakta (ancient Roman town - Tunisia) Package kit ready for use containing oil-lamp, perfumed olive oil, wick, and user guide. dim: 17 x 12 x 7cm weight: 300 gr Price: 16 EUR[...]


[Tunesien]Roman Vase

Imitation of old Roman vase. head shaped Using the same terracotta we find in the old Roman ruins in Salakta (ancient Roman town - Tunisia) Height: 25 cm weight: 550 gr Price: 14 EUR[...]


[Tunesien]Chéchia Bear

Bear with "Chéchia", traditional Tunisian hat.Vase, pencil box, or simply symbol ... Height: 20cm.weight: 750(.g) price: 16€ The Chéchia Bear is an original gift and available at a great price![...]
