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Yangquan Rising Commercials Ltd

[China]Silica brick

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The high-quality silica brick is the key refractory in the high temperature positions Low true density, little residual quartz, high crushing strength, good thermal shock stability above 600, high strict dimension and less polishing work for a contribution to jointing, used in every part of coke oven.General silica bricks are used in coke oven, soaking pit and used as kiln furniture for firing refractories etc. Silica brick for hot blast stove is principally used in high temperature zones, such as roof, upper stack, upper checkers etc. Its main characteristics are: 3 highs (high purity, high refractoriness under load, high tridymite content).
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Place of origin:China
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Bauwesen ->Baustoffe -> Brandschutzzubehör


Yangquan Rising Commercials Ltd

Telefon: +86 353 2137760
Fax: +86 353 2137759


Name und Vorname: Victor Fon
Telefon: +86 353 2137760
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