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Shenghua Industry Co., Ltd

[China]Ultrasonic Scaler

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technical data
> External voltage: 100-240 Vac
> Unit: 24VDC
> Power Consumption: 24 VA
> Ultrasonic Specifications
> Maximum output: 10 Watts
> Frequency range: 24-32 kHz
> Operating Conditions: +10oC to +40 oC 30% to 75% relative humidity
> Storage and Transport Conditions: -10oC to +40 oC 10% to 95% relative humidity 500 hPa to 1060 hPa air pressure
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Additional information:

Place of origin:CHINA
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Medizin, Gesundheit & Schönheit ->Specialized equipment -> Medical equipment


Shenghua Industry Co., Ltd

Straße:107 Hedong Road South
Telefon: +86 20 38840201


Name und Vorname: Jeff Wang
Telefon: +86 20 38840201
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