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Sorrentolio Srl

[Italien]Olio extra vergine fruttato VERUM

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This is an extra vergine oil derived from the first pressing and naturally manufactured. Its persistent scent is the same as the just pressed olives, just like the taste, accompanied by light notations of grass and spice. Its colour is of a very loaded and opaque green thanks to the presence of fragments of pulp.
Therefore, it is a raw oil, that would be preferred for by all those people who love the tradition. In 2006 it was the best italian "medium frutty" oil.
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Additional information:

Place of origin:italy
Price:Ask for price
Packing:0,750 ml


Related products: Lebensmittel ->Nahrungs- und Genußmittel -> Speiseöle und -fette


Sorrentolio Srl

Straße:Nastro D'argento,9
Ort:Sant 'agnello di sorrento
Telefon: +39 081 8071420
Fax: +39 081 8073726


Name und Vorname: Danuta Michalak
Telefon: +39 081 8071420
Handy: +39 3331523189
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