Branche:Motorization Land:Italien Featured companies Eurobuggy Import
EuroBuggy import sas, is an importer of recreational vechicles including buggies, quads, scooters and motorcylces. We only source quality products that we can offer full warranty for the European market. EuroBuggy is located in Central Italy with warehousing and showroom facilities. Since being formed be have achieved a large distribution network of dealers as well as working closely with other European importers. Our investors which include both American and British business men have given there[...]
We are italian producers of LPG CNG sequential system kit convertion.
All our product are omologated approved in Europe R67/ECER110 conform to euro 3 and 4 and tested till 5200cc.
More then 40 years experience in the LPG CNG kit convertions give as result a product with the newest technology,competitive prices and easy to install and to calibrate with a special software[...]