Branche:Bauwesen Land:Alles Featured companies SOTRALENTZ Sp. z o.o.
SOTRALENTZ Sp. z o.o. is owned by the parent company of the same name with headquarters in Alsace. Also its main industrial plants are there.
SOTRALENTZ also has production plants in Luxemburg, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
SOTRALENTZ S.A.S. with headquarters in France at 67 320 Drulingen, 3 rue de BETTWILLER, – is a joint-stock company whose area of activity is production and sales of goods produced in three basic areas:
heavy engineering,
polythene goods,
wires and reinforcing[...]
Polskie Składy Armatury Sp. z o.o.
Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe MDK Mirosław Dubiński
BSK Centrum Zaopatrzenia Przemysłu
Dear Sirs
We are trade company from Poland. Our main products is forklifts - new and 2nd hand , forklifts parts , pallet trucks , tyres for industry , batteries , technical documentations for forklifts.
Our complete offer is on our website.
Do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards
Małgorzata Obszańska[...]
Ampoz Ł. Biedermann; W. Błasiak S.J.
Majster - Serwis Zamków i Kluczy
Polish Products
Land: Polen Region: Großpolen Ort: Żelazków |
Straße: Biernatki 18a Telefon: +48 696 649685 Fax: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Land: Polen Region: Oppeln Ort: Skarbimierz |
Straße: Kasztanowa 10 Telefon: +48 77 404-60-13 Fax: +48 77 411-13-25 |
Firm Rank: 0 |