Branche: Sport & Unterhaltung -> Services
Land: Alles
 Dates: 15-17 October 2015
Frequency: Once a year
Edition: 1st Edition
Organizer: Via Expo
Venue: National Palace of Culture, Sofia
There is a wide variety of sports and an increasing interest in new tendencies and ways, in which we can improve our health and physical shape.
The 15th of October will be the launch of Sofia Sport & Healthy Life exhibition. The first edition of the event will become a place for presentation of brands and trends, and for the gathering of importers, manufacturers,[...] Details...  A wide range of different kinds of audio sfx:
- impacts
- atmos (environments)
- people crowds
- creatures
- industrial
- mechanical, servos
- magic
- sci-fi
Mixing, implementing and mastering.[...] Details...   Die Ausleihstation von Kajaks und Tourismusausrüstung "STER" in Warka lädt herzlich zu Flussfahrten für organisierte Gruppen, Familien und Einzelpersonen ein. Wir verfügen über neue Kajaks mit Gepäckluke, leichten Paddeln und Rettungswesten, wir sichern den Transport der Boote an den Startort und die Rückführung nach dem Ende der Fahrt. Ausleihkosten: 35 – 45 PLN/Tag, abhängig von der Anzahl der gemieteten Kajaks und der Dauer der Fahrt. Wir empfehlen Kajakrouten auf der Pilica,[...] Details...  PHU ETA organizes festivals (their own yearly International Festival COuntry Top), Picnics, concerts, incentive groups also trips to any destination. We have our own sound equipment for small concerts. In our ''stable'' there are many artists from Czech, Slovakia, Lithuania, Germany, USA, Australia and other european countries. We continuously cooperate with other organizers from Poland and other countries. We also do catering events no matter what number of people. There are specialist companies[...] Details...