Branche: Bauwesen -> Baustoffe -> Ziegel, Hohlsteine Land: Portugal Empfehlungsprodukte [Portugal]ZiegelsteinfabrikVerkaufspreis des Maschinenparks 1.500.000 Euros ( Neupreis 10.000.000 Euros )
- Kapaziaet 250 Tonnen taeglich
- Brennofen neu mit Montage ca. 1.700.000 Euros (Alter Ofen kann nicht
desmontiert werden)
- Benoetigte Fabrikhalle 250m Meter x 60 Meter Höhe 8Meter
- Wir desmontieren und montieren auf Wunsch und machen den Produktionsanlauf und
schulen einen Techniker vor Ort. Kosten ca. 2.000.000 Euros
Wir sind gerne bereit Ihnen noch 2 andere Fabriken ( 400 und 500 Tonen Tagesproduktion)[...] [Portugal]Ecological Brick - Production unitsEcological brick is called, because in its production, if it does not use the wooden burning, that provokes the deforestation, beyond not polluted air with the burning, where the residues generally are launched in the atmosphere.
In it, they are basically clay, sand and cement ( 8%)
Moreover, as it is an apparent construction, it does not need covering on the walls. The bricks only are uncased, or are used one filet of mortar or white glue on the same ones, thus reducing, the nesting mortar[...] [Portugal]brick factoryKey data of a brick factory. (Daily production 250 tons)
Retail price of the machinery 1,500,000 Euros
- Kiln with new assembly approximately 1,700,000 Euros (age furnace can not
- Construction of a factory building do need 250m meter x 60 meter height 8Meter
- We desmontieren and assemble and make the production start-up and train a
technician on site. cost ca. 2.000.000 Euros
We are happy to have you here 2 other factories in Portugal.
( Dailyproduction 400 and 500 Tons )[...] |