Branche: Juwelenhandel & Geschenkartikel -> Gifts
Land: Grossbritannien
 This Elephant Herd is hand carved by expert craftsmen in South America from a material that has been very often mistaken for Ivory..even by the experts...
The Elephant Herd is on a base which is approx 6 ins. in length and stands approx.3ins.in height.And the QUALITY is exceptional with a Highly Glazed finish
The price shown is from our London warehouse,all orders over PS300 Shipping charges are Free.This can be combined with our other products, that are shown
All our products come with[...] Details...  Delightful and Unusual Pot-Pourri Boxes. Available in 2 sizes and a huge range of colour options. These boxes look fantastic as an addition in any household. Elegant and sophisticated and with a touch of class, these are great to have as a centre piece. Painted with two coats of top quality paint and then varnished to give a great finished product.[...] Details...  Love Birds with a built nest and a egg in a trunk of a tree,and all handcarved from a material very often mistaken for Ivory..even by the experts..This has been made by exceptional craftsmen in South America..
The products is of TOP QUALITY with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE
The price shown is from our warehouse in London,however all orders over PS 300
which can be combined with our other products shown..also we have a Power Point presentation that can be sent to you showing over 200 items[...] Details...  Unique and Unusal Jewellery Boxes. Each one of these boxes can be personalised with up to 10 letters/numbers. They are each Hand Painted with two coats of paint ranging from a huge choice of colours. Once painted they are then varnished for a glossy finish. Great gift ideas, if you require something different and something personal to give to someone special then these are for you!! A special date or Name or even both can be added to these delightful boxes.[...] Details...  Humming Bird collecting nectar from a flower,all handcarved by craftsmen in South America and of the Highest Quality,made from a material that has very often been mistaken for Ivory..even by the experts...
This is approx.6ins.high and approx. 2ins.wide
The price shown is from our London warehouse,and orders over GBP300 which can be combined with our other products shown the shipping charges are free.
We have a Power Point presentation which includes[...] Details...  Dog Family hand carved by very exprienced craftsmen in South America from a material that has very often been mistaken for Ivory..even by the experts
This products is appox.4ins in height and a base of approx.6ins in length
The Quality is of the TOP STANDARD and come with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE
The price shown is from our London warehouse,however any order over GBP300
which can be combined with our other shown products is Free of Charge.
In addition to what is shown we have a PowerPoint[...] Details... [Grossbritannien]Frogs
 A family of Frogs perched on a leave hand carved by experienced craftsmen in South America,and made from a material that has on many occasions been mistaken for Ivory....even by the experts....
The size of this is approx.4ins wide and 4ins high and is of TOP QUALITY with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE...
The price of this product is from our London warehouse,however any orders over GBP300,which can be combined with any of our other products shown the shipping charges are free....This includes products[...] Details...