Branche: Möbel -> Möbelstoffe
Land: Alles
 All sizes and designs are available as per customers' individual requirement.[...] Details...  We offer answers and solutions to problems in Natural Rubber latex processing and the manufacturing of latex products (condoms, catheters, medical gloves, baby teats and soothers, toy balloons, latex thread, carpet backing, etc) based on both prevulcanised natural rubber latex and post-vulcanisable NR latex at reasonable cost.
Quick solutions through e-mails is possible!
Check out the latex foam for mattresses and pillows.[...] Details...  Pocket Spring each spring is individually wrapped in a small non-woven fabric sack-"pocket"- and held in a row among one another, forming a system. Pocketed spring units are particularly known for their high point by point elasticity, leading to independent motion and noiselessness when one sleeper moves. they are used for mattress or sofa inner core.
It packts by compressing to flat or roll, and still have good condition after unpacked.[...] Details...  Area:
12 ,14,16,18micron
It is extensively applied as decoration film of furniture, decoration board, floor and so on.[...] Details...   1. Ausstattungselemente für die Möbelindustrie
2. Zierdetails für Möbel: z.B. Verkleidung, Leisten, Armlehnen, Holzbeine u .a. m.
3. Luxuriöse Korpora für Polstermöbel
4. Gartenmöbel
5. Zierelemente für die Innenausstattung
6. Gebrauchsgegenstände für den Haushalt
7. Werbematerialien
ELTEX nimmt teil an zahlreichen Messen. Das zunehmende Interesse der Kundschaft bei den verschiedenen Messeausstellungen bestätigt das hohe Niveau unseres Angebots und die sichere Position auf dem[...] Details...  EKOMELT M1 is a hot melt adhesive used for furniture. Good for ABS, HDS, PVC, PP, melamine and veneer edges with recommended thickness between 0.3 and 2 mm[...] Details...  More than 200 different wood mouldings for framing. Check our website and contact us for a pricelist.[...] Details...  Our company "Quality Image Sdn.Bhd." is one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of wooden frame mouldings & picture frames in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. We mainly export frames mouldings and ready made photo & picture frame for our worldwide customers.
If you are interested in more details please contact us, and we will send you detailed information & prices.[...] Details...  tandardgrößen in mm 196 , 296 , 296 , 446 , 496 , 596 x 3.050
Zubehör Kunststoffleisten Postforming-Fronten in weiss, schwarz, silber, satyna oder gold (für alle Breiten ausser 196 mm)
[...] Details...