Branche: Möbel Land: Alles Empfehlungsprodukte [Polen]Cupboard for filesCupboard for files (for storage of B5 medical registers)
Dimensions: (H x W x D ) 1285 x 610 x 630 1285 x 610 x 630
lock: central lock
finish: powder paints, plastic flanges
use: medical rooms, laboratories
description: telescope guides full-range slide, drawer lock[...] [Polen]Unwinding Machine UL-2Unwinding tool UL-2 is very simple, but efficient cloth layering system for every technology.
The device contains:
* cutting table construction with fluent height regulation
* Table with aluminium trim. Width of table may be changed on clients order
* Engraved length measure
* Unwinding trolley
* Cloth knive with layer counter
* Clamping stripe[...] [Niederlande]Works in commissionIt’s possible to order a sculpture to your specifications.
Let me make your fantasy into an exclusive sculpture.
Even your or your parners favority bodypart can be portrayed in wood.
With help of plaster moulds and photographs I can
reproduce with a high level of perfection or more stylized
The works can be more or less sexually explicit in its details.
Please contact me to discuss the possibilities.[...] [Polen]WardrobeWardrobe width an extra partition wall
Dimensions: (H x W x D ) 1800 x 800 x 490
lock: patent lock or door handle with a padlock
door bolting: three-point
finish: powder paints, plastic flanges
use: dressing rooms for employees
description: more doors can be provided[...] [Polen]SK-3 Zuchneidetisch mitSK-3 Zuchneidetisch mit
Der SK-3 Zuschneidetisch bildet eine grundlegende Ausstattung des Zuschneideraums in den Schneiderwerkstätten und Polsterwerkstätten. Die moderne und modernisierte Konstruktion wurde das erste Mal auf der diesjährigen Messe "INTERMASZ" im März präsentiert.
Die ganze Konstruktion wurde aus Stahlprofilen ausgeführt, was die entsprechende Beständigkeit und Steifigkeit sicherstellt. Die Arbeitsplatte aus einer laminierten Platte mit der Dicke von 25mm mit[...] [Niederlande]Works in commissionIt’s possible to order a sculpture to your specifications.
Let me make your fantasy into an exclusive sculpture.
Even your or your parners favority bodypart can be portrayed in wood.
With help of plaster moulds and photographs I can
reproduce with a high level of perfection or more stylized
The works can be more or less sexually explicit in its details.
Please contact me to discuss the possibilities.[...] [Polen]Multi-shelter cupboard, standingDimensions and number of shelters upon request
lock: patent lock or door handle with a padlock
door bolting: one-point
finish: powder paints, plastic flanges
use: dressing rooms in schools, fitness clubs etc.
description: more doors can be provided[...] |