Branche: Metalurgie & Hüttenkunde Land: Polen Empfehlungsprodukte [Polen]Zinc galvanizingOur company offer the services in surface treatment. We offer zinc coating with yellow and transparent (without Cr VI+) chromate. We galvanize on hangings or drums. Except zinc coating we can offer other surface treatment which are described on our www site.[...] [Polen]Das Preisgünstige BrennschneidsystemALLGEMEINE BESCHREIBUNG DER ANLAGE
Die Serie RUBIN gehört zu den Fotooptisch-gesteuerten Maschinen, mit der Möglichkeit eine CNC-Steuerung nachzurüsten. Diese Anlage wird durch das Ablesen von Zeichnungen der Brennteile im Maßstab 1:1 gesteuert. Unter Verwendung von Autogen- und Plasmaschneidbrennern werden die Konturen der Brennteile genau übertragen und ausgeschnitten. Diese Anlage überzeugt durch ihre Produktivität und die geringen Anschaffungskosten.
Die[...] [Polen]Furnaces For Heat Treatment of CastRemix offers for the foundry industry the following furnaces: chamber furnaces, car-bottom furnaces, furnaces for continuous work and automated plants. These units are designed for annealing, solutioning, ageing of alloy casts. Within the latest design solutions we obtain high level of output, high quality of heat systems, modern thermal insulation, regular temperature profile, modern outfit of control panels and also low consumption of energy.
Typical example of our units for heat treatment of[...] [Polen]Cast Steel & Iron Shot, Regular & AngularThis product is used mainly in foundries and metallurgical industry for cleaning castings, forgings, metal plates and steel structures, for preparation of surface for anti-corrosive coatings and to obtain appropriate surface roughness. It also finds its application in the shipbuilding industry.
We offer a wide range of cast steel shot after complete heat treatment, as well as cast iron shot of substantial variety of granulation. The materials meet the following European standards: EN ISO 111[...] [Polen]Plate S235JR, S355J2 1-200mmHave in stock metal thickness in the range of 1-200 mm
Burn gas for every shape[...] [Polen]Welding tipsThese quality items are suitable for the industry standard Binzel 180 Amp (MB15) and 250 Amp (MB25) MIG welding torch.
Welding Tips are normally made of CuCrZr copper alloy.
For difficult working conditions , the best solutions are nozzles made of combined material, where the core is dispersion hardened and Cu covered in electrolytic copper.
Nozzles made of this material are characterized by high friction resistance and high softening temperature. They are recommended for both applications[...] [Polen]Leistungsschilder - Messingsblech, Lackiertes Messing1) Lackiertes Messing
a) Gold
matt (Dicke 1,0 ; 1,5; 2,0 ;3,0 mm)
poliert (Dicke 1,0 ; 1,5; 2,0 mm)
b) Silber
Matt (Dicke 1,0 ; 1,5; 2,0 ;3,0 mm)
Poliert (Dicke 1,0 ; 1,5; 2,0 mm)
c) Schwarz
Matt, glänzend (Dicke 1,0 ; 1,5; 2,0 mm)
CNC- Gravur 3-D
ANWENDUNG: Innen und Außen der Gebäude, zur Ausführung der eleganten Informationsschilder[...] [Polen]Recasting with bearing metal.We offer recasting bearing liners with bearing metal. This service includes: removing used up or damaged layer of bearing metal from the bearing liner, cleaning and preparing liner surface for recasting and recasting with new bearing metal. We provide very short deadlines for this service.[...] |