Branche: Medizin, Gesundheit & Schönheit Land: Polen Empfehlungsprodukte [Polen]Absorbable sutures1. PGA is multifilament (braided), synthetic absorbable suture. It consists of polyglycolic acid. Thread is coated with biocompatible polycaprolactone. Thanks to its smoothness it penetrates tissues without much friction and with minimal tissue reaction. As it is a multifilament thread it is highly elastic. Thread can be died violet (using dyestuff C. I. Solvent Violet 13). With lapse of time, gradual loss of strength and process of absorption is visible. Total absorption is ended after 60 - 90 days.[...] [Polen]Cosmetic&care products for infants, from their first days of lifeCosmetic&care products for infants, from their first days of life
Contain gentle protective components, soothing irritated skin and moisturizing it.
Products contain no dyes or other ingredients that would produce irritation.
Tested by the institute of the Monument - Child Health-Care Centre (health and research centre – one of the most trusted institutions for parentss in Poland)[...] [Polen]Cosmetic productsAt present in the Malwa offer a potential customer can find such cosmetics for:
body care: body lotions, shower gels, peeling gels
face care: care and protective creams, tonics, face gels
hand care: wide range of hand creams
foot care: antiperspirant creams, deo spray, care creams
hair care: shampoo, hair conditioners, styling spray, styling mousse, styling gels
sun care: body lotions with different SPF factors[...] [Polen]Peat ThermaPeat Therma is a concentrate of active substances specially isolated from properly selected peat. The substances are easily assimilated by human organism in increased temperature. Peat compress have very good influence on kinetic system of the human body, muscles and joint strains. It effectively reduces tension and stress. Peat bath is excellent in removing toxins from human organism.[...] [Polen]dental thermoplastic injection systemsThe APOLdent/HSM A Polanowska is offering the highest level quality dental thermoplastic injection systems and materials. Depends on customer wish We are able to construct special configuration. We are offering : manual or authomatic injectionmaschine kit, HOT SHOT GUN- has laso couple version.
In the injection kit could be included: Valplast, Duracetal,Duraflex, Ultra Duraflex[...] [Polen]Nail Fashion CatalogueThis catalogue is devoted to nail art.
A great amount of hand made nail art.
All accessible materials, methods, and tools presented in this catalogue.
Pictures Step by Step.
Catalogue in English.[...] [Polen]eau de toilette and deodorants for women, serie: ANGEL COLLECTIONFor ever-stylish women we are offering 9 well-world-knew frangrances in the different types of application: EDT (50ml), deo (75 ml), small pen-like perfumes (10 ml), deo perfume spray (30 ml) and of course the gift sets…[...] [Polen]PiercingWe do piercings in every safety place of the body. We use piercings made of: titan G23, surgical steel 316L, bioplast, PTFE. We use also such piercing like suface.[...] [Polen]Ergo - StuhlRückgratschmerzen, insbesondere in der Lendengegend, sind des öfteren Ergebnis einer anhaltenden Arbeit im Sitzen und wenig Bewegung. In der Arbeit, Schule oder zu Hause verbringen wir mindestens einige Stunden in dieser Position… Deshalb schlagen wir ihnen vor, den traditionellen Stuhl durch unseren neuen Ergo-Stuhl zu ersetzen. Einstellbare Sitzflächenhöhe und Transportrollen mit Gummiauflage gewährleisten Bequemlichkeit und Mobilität. Damit Sie das beste Modell für sich wählen können,[...] |