Категория:Энергетика и сырьё -> Горнодобывающая промышленность -> Уголь, кокс Страна:Индонезия Фирмy PT. Dwiprima Karyaguna
PT. Dwi Prima Karyaguna is an Indonesia company. We established in1996 in Cilegon. Now we have the Headquarter in Cilegon with branches in Batam and Medan. Our first main business is start from contractor and we expand our business in exporting various products (Agrochemical, Oleochemical and Industrial Chemical) from Indonesia and from our reliable business partner to worldwide. Our main goal is to supply our customer with the competitive price and provide the good quality.[...]
Multi TNA Co.
Multi TNA Co. (Trading Network Asia) are an licensed independent Coal and Iron Ore Miners/Brokers who can supply these products from Kalimantan, Indonesia, who guarantee Quality and Quantity control. Multi TNA Company Managerial Staff are industry professionals from Australia and Indonesia now based in Kalimantan.
We have a China Manager in Beijing and Sales Representatives in Shenzshen. With a fluent Chinese speaking mine manager and key personnel based at the mines, stockpile/crusher and[...]
PT Austrogroup International
We adapt the perspective wherein economics regions of the world are viewed from geo-cultural settlement of the world itself which means that world’s economics is a mutual continuing loop of mechanism over the cultural mapping accordingly, a non recourse situation so to say.
Affiliating worldwide, the activities of the member are concentrated toward the field of direct investment and resource exploration particularly in the aspects of technology and management.