Категория:Авто-Мото -> Средства передвижения -> Запчасти и аксессуары Страна:Италия Фирмy Euro Fuelsaver srl
EUROFuelSaver s.r.l. (EFS) has been registered in 1996 by Paolo Salemi, entrepreneur having long experience in marketing, to produce in Canada and commercialise from Italy towards the whole world SUPERTECH®, a highly innovative solid device for energetic saving and for the reduction of polluting emissions coming from hydrocarbon traction vehicles.[...]
Guerrini S.P.A.
The Company Guerrini, automatic lathe of small metallic parts, started as a small craft company in 1962. Since the beginning the constant requests of a growing market obliged the company to grow fast, determining an adequate and cautious expansion of the machinery department. The definite quality jump happened in 1980, when the transformation of the company as a Limited company coincided with a substantial general modernisation, the introduction of modern technologies and the arrival of highly specialised[...]