Категория:Текстиль, одежда и мода -> Кружево, тесьма Страна:Польша ФирмyBASTEX [английский] [немецкий]
Die Firma Bastex besteht seit 2000. Sie entstand im Hinblick auf Bedürfnisse der polnischen und ausländischen Leichtindustrie, um schnell und wirksam zu Kunden zu gelangen sowie den Marktbedürfnissen entgegenzukommen. In der kurzen Zeit konnten wir unsere Stelle unter den Kunden auf den Inlands- und Auslandsmärkten als vertrauenswürdigen Handelspartner hervorheben.
Die dynamische Entwicklung unserer Firma verdanken wir u. a. der Verwendung der vielseitigen logistischen Lösungen. Die Ware[...]
PH Gobelinek [английский] [немецкий]
Wir bieten: sticken stickerei, online verkauf von stoffen, handwebartikeln, gobelinbildern, stoff, stoffe, gobelin, gewebe, werksverkauf, onlineshop, shop,handarbeitstechnik, stoffen, bilder, gobelinbilder,sticken stickerei kreuzstich gobelin[...]
PPH PASSAN sp. j. - Pasmanteria, Trimmings
Trimming, fringe, braid, cord, tassel tieback, floral ribbon, elastic tape, lace, haberdashery goods, narrow fabrics manufacturer
PASSAN is present on the market since 1991. We deal with production of haberdashery decorative goods of knitting type from different materials. Our offer contains a wide range of fringes, braids, cords, tassel tiebacks, elastic tapes, net ribbons created by the work of our highly qualified personnel.
We offer:
Fringes: bullion, brush, tassel, bobble, looped,[...]
BENETEX represents in Poland leading manufacturers of fabrics and tailors accessories: BST - sewing threads, CONCORDIA TEXTILES - fabrics & linings, PEREMESS - interlinings, ALFATEX - hook & loop, mushroom tape, CREMALLERAS RUBI zippers, KROKO - zippers, KRASS + WISSING - bindings.
Sales from the warehouse in Poland. Deliveries to a customer place.
Wide range of products - besides standard articles, also flame retardant, water repallent, accid resistant, antielectrostatic, antibacterial.
Dear Sirs,
“Stark Polska” company is largely developing Polish firm which offers wide variety of fashion accessories in the field of crystal designs.
High standards of our goods allow us to guarantee the best service along with professionalism and constancy in quality.
We offer unique combinations of different designs from hot-fix rhinestones, iron-on rhinestuds, embroidery motives, hologram and laser motives .
We also specialize in different heat-transfer products: plastisol[...]