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Big Fair Industrial Ltd.

[Гонконг]60M MPP AHTSF Vessel

We have 1 units of 60M MPP AHTSF Vessel for sale. Interested parties please contact Ms. Ginny Wong (1) General Class: BV I +HULL +MACH ANCHOR HANDLING TUG / SUPPLY VESSEL / FIRE FIGHTING SHIP 1 unrestricted navigation Navigation Area: International Unrestricted Flag: Hong Kong Year built: Under Construction (2) Dimensions and Capacities Length (M): 60.00 Breadth (M): 14.20 Depth (M): 6.00 Max draught (M): 5.10 Fuel tank: 656.00M3 Fresh water tank: 360.00 M3 Cargo deck area: ~330M2 Cargo[...]


[Гонконг]42M AHT-IA

We have 1 units of 42M AHT-IA for sale. Interested parties please contact Ms. Ginny Wong (1) General Class: BV I +HULL +MACH Special Service AHT unrestricted navigation Navigation Area: International Unrestricted Flag: Hong Kong Year built: Under Construction (2) Dimensions and Capacities Length (M): 42.00 Breadth (M): 11.00 Depth (M): 4.90 Max draught (M): 4.15 GRT: 499 NRT:149 Fuel tank: ~372M3 Fresh water tank: 78 M3 FiFi Foam: ~9M3 Dispersant:~6M3 Daily F.O. tank: 2 x 4.2M3 Lub.[...]


[Гонконг]4400BHP Multi-Purpose ASD Tug

We have 1 units of 30M 4400BHP Tug for sale. Interested parties please contact Ms. Ginny Wong (1) General Class: BV I +HULL +MACH, SALVAGE TUG/ UTILITY BOAT/ FIRE FIGHTING SHIP 1 unrestricted navigation Navigation Area: International Unrestricted Flag: Hong Kong Year built: Under Construction (2) Dimensions and Capacities Length (M): 30.00 Breadth (M): 10.80 Depth (M): 5.40 Max draught (M): 4.70 GRT: <500 Fuel tank: 262 M3 Fresh water tank: 120 M3 FiFi Foam: 18M3 Dispersant:4.5M3 Lub.[...]


[Гонконг]3,500 DWT Oil Barge

Name of Vessel: Big Fair 1055 (1) General Class: DNV + 1A1 BARGE FOR OIL Navigation Area: International Unrestricted Year built: April 2001 (2) Dimensions and Capacities Length (FT): 230.00 Breadth (FT): 60.00 Depth (FT): 16.00 Design draft (FT): 12.00 Cargo Tank: >3,500M3 Fuel Tank: 20M3 Fresh Water: 100M3 (3) Machinery Diesel engine (BHP): 134 Number of diesel engine: Two Make: Perkins UK Generator: 30kW/3ph/220,400V/50Hz Number of generator: One Make: Cummins-Onan Cargo[...]


[Гонконг]Double Deck Strait Ferry

Name of Vessel: Sea Eagle 1 & 2 (1) General Flag: Hong Kong Year built: December 1996 (2) Dimensions and Capacities Length (M): 25.50 Breadth (M): 6.98 Depth (M): 2.70 Max draught (M): 2.00 GRT: 150 Capacity: 300 passengers (3) Machinery BHP main engine: 600 @1,800rpm Number of main engine: One Make: Cummins USA Generator: 16kW/3ph/220,380V/50Hz Number of generator: One Make: NANJING Generator Factory Propeller: Fixed pitch with Kort Nozzle Free Speed (Fair weather):[...]
