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Maxdragon (GZ) BioChem Ltd.

[Китай]Carrageenan powder

Our Carrageenan is extracted from imported E.COTTONII and are refined in a unique process. It is a kind of powdered polysaccharides. When added in milk and beverage, our product can provide excellent texture and stability. Also our carrageenans is an effective stabilizer in emulsion and in foam systems. Maxdragon carrageenan is highly functional, and can be used as thickening agent, solidifying agent and suspension stabilizer. Applications of carrageenan: Water Gels, milk puddings and pie fillings,[...]


[Китай]Agar agar

Our agaragar is manufactured from fine imported and local Chinese red algae. The unique characteristics of agar powder product has high gel strength, high solidification and minimal syneresis. Our agar powder/strip is widely and effectively used in food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Our agar can used in following food ingredients: Bakery products, confectionery, meat and fish products, dairy products, beverages etc. The agar can improve texture and mouth feel in many food products. We[...]



Our company is the world's leading producer of cyclodextrin products. Cyclodextrins are a group of naturally occurring oligosaccharides, consisting of 6 or more1,4 linked α-D-glucopyranosyl units that are produced from starch. The parent or natural cyclodextrins from starch. The parent or natural cyclodextrins from WACKER are marketed under the CAVAMAX brand name. Chemically modified cyclodextrins or cyclodextrin derivatives are produced from the parent cyclodextrins and marketed under the CAVASOL[...]


[Китай]Acetyl Carnosine(Food/Pharma)

Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta-alanine and histidine. It is highly concentrated in muscle and brain tissues. Studies have shown that it can be used as an effective dietary supplement for people with autism, potentially improving such areas as auditory processing, speech & language skills, motor skills, and socialization. However, supplemental carnosine may increase corticosterone levels, which can explain the hyperactivity sometimes seen in high[...]


[Китай]Acetylation glutathione/Alpha Cyclodextrin inclusion complex

Glutathione (GSH) is your body A.I.D. (A- antioxidant, I- immune system, D- detoxifier). It is a small protein molecule formed from the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. Glutathione is manufactured inside your cells. Your cell's ability to make glutathione is determined by the supply of raw materials (or glutathione precursors), in particular of the amino acid cysteine. Glutathione, the Master Antioxidant But more importantly, glutathione is your body's master antioxidant and[...]
