Категория:Машины и инструменты Страна:Польша ФирмyECO INSTAL
The Specialist Heating and Environmental Protection Engineering Enterprise ECO INSTAL was founded in 1985. The objects of the firm are construction of heating and environmental protection installations, rendition of high quality services, steady development of the firm, building trust of our customers in the ECO INSTAL brand and all activities connected with the quality and care of the environment.
ECO INSTAL’s goods and services concentrate on three spheres of activity, namely:
- Air Protection[...]
Baart Technology Transfer
HYDROG Zakład Budowy Maszyn Eksport Import [английский] [немецкий]
Es ist uns ein Vergnügen Ihnen uns vorzustellen. Seit dem 1989 sind wir in Polen ein Hersteller der Maschinen für Bau und Reparatur von Straßen und Brücken, für laufende Erhaltung der Straßen im Sommer und Winter sowie der Bau- und Flughafenmaschinen. Wir liefern unsere Geräte zu den Straßen- und Kommunalunternehmen, Wasserkanalisationswerken, Bau- und Abbaufirmen, Straßenverwaltungsanstalten, etc.
Seit dem Beginn unserer Tätigkeit bemühen wir uns flexibel und auf neue Vorschläge und[...]
ULMA Construccion Polska S.A.
Since its foundation in 1989 Bauma company has gone through many stages of its development. Since its debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 1997, Bauma plc has been consequently putting into effect its adopted business strategy:
... from local, through countrywide, up to international
In less than three years we built our own countrywide distribution network, which now consists of 11 branch offices. The offices are now being grouped into 8 regions:
- Bydgoszcz region
- Łódź region
- Bauma[...]
RYWAL-RHC Sp. z o.o.
"RYWAL-RHC" is a private, specialist enterprise established in 1992. since its early days, the company focuses on processes which deal with joining materials by using heat. Offering over 5000 different products and providing the "sale service" in the whole area connected with above subject, the company is one of only few in the whole sector that is able to fulfil any of its clients' needs. Having said "sale service" we meat:
technical advisory, providing information[...]
ECO INSTAL Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Instalacji Grzewczych i Urządzeń do Ochrony Środowiska
The Specialist Heating and Environmental Protection Engineering Enterprise ECO INSTAL was founded in 1985. The objects of the firm are construction of heating and environmental protection installations, rendition of high quality services, steady development of the firm, building trust of our customers in the ECO INSTAL brand and all activities connected with the quality and care of the environment.
ECO INSTAL’s goods and services concentrate on three spheres of activity, namely:
- Air Protection[...]
PARTNER Systems Sp. z o.o. [английский] [немецкий]
PARTNER Systems wurde am 11.04.2000 gegründet. Das Hauptgebiet der Geschäftstätigkeit umfasst die Herstellung von Erzeugnissen aus Stahl (auch aus rostfreiem Stahl), Aluminium mit kleinen oder mittelgroßen Abmessungen sowie von Fertigprodukten auf der Basis eigener oder kundenseitiger Dokumentationen, u.a. Hubanlagen für Gipskartonplatten, Brennstofftanks, feste und zerlegbare Gitterbehälter Wir erbringen ebenfalls Dienstleistungen im Bereich der spanenden Bearbeitung, des Schweißens von Stahl[...]
IMAKOR Sp. z o.o.
Imakor Sp. z o.o. (IMAKOR®) incorporated in 1992 bridges continents to source products for buyers and develop markets for sellers. Our international trading business focuses on machines and technologies for PACKAGING industry, WOOD industry, PLASTICS, raw materials and polymers, and other products.
To pave the way for flow of goods between global markets, we offer a wide range of integrated trade support services.
Our international reach is soundly supported by wide network of affiliates[...]