Категория:Текстиль, одежда и мода Страна:Камерун Фирмy TradeGold International
Dear supplier,
We company from Littoral Cameroon that deal on safety helmet and we are hereby looking for reliable foreign supplier of Helmet base on order command we got from one organisation.
so if your company is willing to have is business relationship with us kindly contact us with your company full contact information or contact us
We wait to receive your mail reply accordingly
STe. Achisco Sa is a Cameroon base trading company.Founded in 2001
STe. Achisco Sa has been a leading importer of consumers goods in the
central african Sub region. Ste Achisco Sa is graded the nation's pivot in the
distribution chain. Our affiliations to reputable manufacturers in industralised
nations around the globe has hightened our quality conciousness which is
basis of our sucess.
We invite all suppliers Mineral Water,Tshirts,footwears,towels and Bed sheets.to come and explore[...]
Ets Ndole Sarl
Ndole Sarl is a broad based trading company that is established with the customers care at our heart. We largely import consumer goods from all over the world and market it in this region. We have a standard workforce and large capital base. It would be a pleasure to do business with us.[...]