Категория:Металлургия Страна:Российская Федерация Фирмy РегионСнаб
Ural Quartz
Our company exploits the mine of high purity quartz in Russia, Ural. We sell this quartz in Russia and to different countries. Our quartz is the very high quality ( min 99,98 % SiO2). The impurieties contents of some components: Ca - 10 ppm, Fe - 20 ppm, Ti - 10 ppm, Al - 20 ppm, Na - 30 ppm, K - 30 ppm, Mg - 7 ppm. Exact composition confirmed by the certificate on the demand. On the order higher cleanness e.g. IOTA 4. Also we offer fertilizers ( urea), isotope copper powder, nickel wire, cadmium,[...]
CSJC Mining Machines
The Tungsten concentrate GOST 213-83 gross weight of 11,5 tons with the maintenance of 55 %, at the price of 14,35 USD for kg WO3 in a concentrate is offered to delivery.
Delivery conditions – EXW Chita station
The Appendix – the Certificate of quality 1 sheet.[...]
Trade House "Concern Interhimprom" LLC
LLC Trade House “Concern Interhimprom” is an official dealer of OJSC “Semiluksky ogneuporny zavod”, OJSC “Sinelnikovskaya teploizolyaciya”, OJSC “Pervouralsky dinasovy zavod”, OJSC “Velikoanadolsky ogneuporny kombinat” on the territory of Russian Federation. LLC Trade House “Rosogneupor” (OJSC “Schekinsky ogneuporny zavod”, OJSC “Latnensky ogneuporny zavod”), OJSC “Novomoskovsky ogneuporny zavod”, Bogdanovicheskoe JSC “Ogneupory”, LLC PIK “Diatomit-Invest”,[...]
Научно-производственное предприятие ООО «Пьезоэлектрик»
Предприятие ООО «Пьезоэлектрик», созданное в 1992 году на базе НКТБ «Пьезоприбор» Ростовского госуниверситета, разрабатывает и выпускает датчики давления(датчики гидростатического давления, датчики давления с автономным питанием, датчики избыточного давления, датчики перепада[...]
Our conpany is brokerage/mandate of some solid manufacturere of gold dust, rough dias, aluminium (alloy and premium) We can offer real sellers and buyers with wnome we work for several years. We are mandate of Russian aluminium manufacturer[...]
We buy gold bullion, but only Bank which has a gold (SKR). Discount LME (London Metal Exchange) 7% of the minimum, the bank must be in Europe. We buy the entire volume of the gold at once, without delay. If you have a product, please send us: 1) Offer Official Commercial, 2) a must! (SKR) for the entire proposed * volume * of gold bullion, 3) product photo, 4) write the amount of gold, 5) In what country and what bank is gold, 6), the preferred form of payment. We will be happy and to further a constructive,[...]
Sintez JSC
SINTEZ JSK is a manufacturer of CARBONYL IRON POWDER and its Marketing Department has decided in favor of mailing you our contact in the possible prospective of mutual profits, both tangible and intangible.
We have rummaged thousands of web and regular periodical reference resources before contacting you directly.
In January, 2006 on a close cooperation with IFAM Sintez launches full-scale MIM FEEDSTOCK production (grades: Fe2Ni, 316L, 17-4PH, 4140).
Established in 1941, SINTEZ JSC nowadays[...]