Курсы валют: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [далее...]
Язык: deutsch english

Слово: [Расширенный поиск]

Категория: Реклама и полиграфия -> Реклама -> Рекламные материалы

Страна: Испания

Language of presented products: Все | немецкий | английский


[Испания]Interactive Business Cards

Up to 50 MgBytes for all kinds of contents to be used for your customer campaings: ingenious videogames, mortgage calculation templates, interactive corporate brouchures, greeting cards, novelty promotional gifts, etc.. Surprise your clients with novel and ingenious contents , used an electronic format for your loyal customer campaings, your CD will be of the highst printing quality and develop in any shape you wish, including interactive games with your corporate logo types.[...]
