Курсы валют: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [далее...]
Язык: deutsch english

Слово: [Расширенный поиск]

Категория: Сельское хозяйство и огородничество

Страна: Польша

Language of presented products: Все | немецкий | английский



I am looking for sugar to buy. Big quantity - payment cash. Destination place Szczekociny (42-445) Poland tel. 0048 34 3557079 fax 0048 34 355 7670[...]


[Польша]„ANTIFUNG 20 SL”

Biologiczny środek grzybobójczy w formie koncentratu rozpuszczalnego w wodzie. Substancja biologicznie czynna: 20% wyciąg z biohumusu.Zawiera żywe mikroorganizmy. Zapobiega wielu chorobom i pobudza rozwój roślin. O działaniu kontaktowym, do zabiegów profilaktycznych i interwencyjnych. Szczególnie: przeciwko mączniakom prawdziwym i rzekomym;skuteczny przy opadzinie liści porzeczek i agrestu; szarej pleśni na truskawkach i innych; przeciwko fuzariozom, fitoftorozie na gerberze, zgorzeli[...]



Sauerkrout is a traditional Polish dish. Our product has a very good quality. We do not use artificial preservatives and therefore our product has a wonderful traditional flavour. We offer sauerkraut in various package cubatures.[...]


[Польша]Small bean

Small bean is usual bean's grain.She be designed to consumption and processing.It steps out changes: -bean small Igołomska -bean small Bomba -bean small Aura -bean small Perełka Small bean delives many vitamins of,iron,of potassium,folic acid,absorption amino acids facilitates as well as it is easily assimilable through organism. Small bean's seeds are clean,healthy,educated about white colour and natural scent well.[...]



We are interested in the above items for our clients in the polish market.and maby would be other articles as well in the future. We are mediators and sometimes the end buyers. Our company is since 1990 in the polish market and we have experienced the many different changes in the market from which we gained our humble experience.[...]


[Польша]Pre seeding cultivator KUP

Cultivator KUP is used for seeding. Its structure is based on frame of closed profiles at a higher strength of materials. The basic equipment are 4 rows of teeth "S" type, for the request of the customer we can supply you with straight teeth with coulters or sow feet.[...]


[Польша]Grass MIXES

Super Wembley - Mix of grasses for intense use Super Lawn - Mix of grasses for the lawn purposes Golf - Mix of grasses for the golf course purposes Gracja - Mix of grasses for the decorational lawn purposes Park - Mix of grasses for the shadowed areas Oaza - Mix of grasses for the dry terrain Regenerational lawn with fertilizer Exclusive - Exclusive mix of the best grasses for lawn purposes Mix of grasses for pasture and meadow purposes Mix of grasses for mowable-pastureland Mix of grasses[...]


[Польша]Liquid fertilizers PLANTA VIT

Mineral fertilizers from the Planta Vit series, which contain a big quantity of micro and macroelements and meet the European Union norms and have the quality certificates Vit-1 Universal, 500ml / 1000ml / 5000ml Vit-2 For the green plants, 500ml / 1000ml Vit-3 For the ferns, 500ml / 1000ml Vit-4 For the blooming plants, 500ml / 1000ml / 5000ml Vit-5 For daturas, 500ml / 1000ml Vit-6 For palm, yuccas and dracenas , 500ml / 1000ml Vit-7 Universal (Autumn-Winter), 500ml / 1000ml Vit-8 For[...]



Apple: Alwa, Cortland, Elstar, Gloster, Jonagold, Jonagored, Decosta, Jonica, Ligol, Sampion. Methods of packaging: kartons 7,12,13,15,19kg. foli bags 2kg or 3kg.[...]


[Польша]Horses: Wielkopolska, Kladrubska

Farm of horses: blood of Wielkopolska, blood of Kladrubska[...]
