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Category:Electronics, electrical engineering


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XuZhou JingYing Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd more

Country: Zambia
Region: Zambia
City: XuZhou JiangSu China
Street: No.1HuangshanRd,Tongshan Development Zone
Phone: +86 516 86306598
Fax: +86 516 86306461
Firm Rank: 0
XuZhou JingYing Electronics Technology Co.,Ltd is the biggest and leader company in its field in china , the main items including 6 seriers : 1:microcomputer temperature controller 2:Refrigeration unit Electric control box 3:digital thermometer and hygrometer 4:temperature panel meter 5:temperature recorder 6: Halogen leak detector Our products are mainly for the heating,ventilating ,air conditioner and refrigeration , food processing and Aquarium markets . We has passed ISO9001:2000[...]