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Category:Furniture -> Office furniture


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StmItaly S.r.l. more

Country: Italy
Region: Italy
City: Pesaro
Street: Via degli Olmi 18
Phone: +39 0721 403930
Fax: +39 0721 404025
Firm Rank: 0
Thanks to the ongoing interaction with its customers and the understanding and fulfilment of their needs. STM s.r.l. invests a lot in the research activity and designs innovative solutions in the furniture fitting industry. Company philosophy is based on the professional attitude of our staff, and on the cooperation with our customers offering certified quality and competitive services and products. STM s.r.l. was set up after the aggregation of Sercom and T.M., two leader companies in the marketing[...]

Tecnotelai Srl more

Country: Italy
Region: Italy
City: Castel Maggiore
Street: Via Bonazzi 4
Phone: +39 051 700096
Fax: +39 051 700175
Firm Rank: 0
Since 1967 Tecnotelai has designed, produced, selected and sold industrial and office furnishings. Tecnotelai has always been involved in the design process of each product, in order to satisfy any need of its customers.[...]